
KES2007 11th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems

Vietri sul Mare, Italy (12, 13 and 14 September 2007)

Call for Papers: Invited Session on Knowledge - Based Interface Systems (I)(II), KES2007
General CFP [pdf] is here.

 (1)  Invited Session I (IS12): Knowledge - Based Interface Systems (I)

[Purpose of This Session]

Knowledge–based systems are applicable to many fields.  Any processing systems by computers, are designed as efficient as possible for the intelligent performances.  Modeling and cognitive design are important in the application field. Sometimes, soft computing methods, are used in the knowledge-based interfaces. In this session, we will present the intelligent processing, agents processing, vision processing with probabilistic approach and cognitive processing for the knowledge-based systems, et al.

[Session Organizers]

             Prof. Naohiro Ishii (Aichi Inst. of Technology, Japan)
             Prof. Yuji Iwahori (Chubu University, Japan)

(2)  Invited Session II (IS13): Knowledge - Based Interface Systems (II)

[Purpose of This Session]

Knowledge–based systems are making a great progress in the cooperation with computers and mobile processing units.  We have many application fields for the knowledge-based systems.  Here, the methodology and design of interfaces between human and computers, or between computers and machines, become to be important factors.  So, in this session, we will discuss methodologies of the interfaces to solve the problems behind from the view point of learning, evolutional computing, agents application and operation for the e-learning and education, et al.

[Session Organizers]

            Prof. Yoshinori Adachi (Chubu University, Japan)
            Prof. Nobuhiro Inuzuka (Nagoya Inst. of Technology, Japan)

Instructions for Authors

The conference proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in Lecture Notes in AI as part of the LNCS/LNAI series. When formatting papers, please refer to the Springer-Verlag web site, and strictly follow the Instructions to LNCS Authors.

Papers must correspond to the requirements detailed in the Instructions to Authors which is placed on the Conference Web Site.  All papers must be presented by one of the authors, who must pay fees.

All papers for KES2007 must be submitted in electronic form using the PROSE software review system.  A link to the PROSE Paper Submission and Login page will be placed here later.  When you submit your paper to the PROSE, it is strongly recommended that the electronic copies of the papers is also sent to the session chairs.

All papers must be presented by one of the authors who must register for the conference and pay the fee.  Authors are not encouraged to submit multiple papers, and authors will be restricted to one paper per registration.  Extended versions of selected papers will be considered for publication in the KES Journal (International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems) published by IOS Press, see KES Journal.

Important Dates

Proposals for Invited Sessions to Session Chairs (Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract): February 10, 2007
Submission of Papers (Upload using PROSE): March 10, 2007
Notification of Acceptance: April 10, 2007
Upload camera-ready paper and send to Session Chairs by: May 1, 2007

Contact: Session Chairs
Please send the submission proposal and submission paper to: KES2007_chaircvl dot cs dot chubu dot ac dot jp

Knowledge - Based Interface Systems (I)
Prof. Naohiro Ishii (Aichi Inst. of Technology, Japan)
Prof. Yuji Iwahori (Chubu University, Japan)

Knowledge - Based Interface Systems (II)

Prof. Yoshinori Adachi (Chubu University, Japan)
Prof. Nobuhiro Inuzuka (Nagoya Inst. of Technology, Japan)

Call for Papers Web Page: KES2007 Invited Session on
Knowledge - Based Interface Systems (I)(II)